Multiple Translation (though binary translation) /
cardboard, 21×14,5cm / 1996

Granules of same grain size, 1-2-3 graphite layers, oil paint, silver
28 x 23 cm / 1995

Granules of varying grain size, graphite, oil paint, silver, individually
28 x 23 cm / 1995

Granules of varying grain size photo emulsion, individually
28 x 23 cm / 1994 / 95

Granules of same grain size, silver, photo emulsion, graphite / individually
28 x 23 cm / 1995

Granules of varying grain size, photo emulsion, porcelain, diamond engraved float glass / individually 28 x 23 cm / 1995

Still Life III / diamond engraved float glass, SiO2, photo emulsion, silver /
48 x 30 x 5 cm / 1992

Still Life I / diamond engraved float glass, SiO2, graphite, photo emulsion, silver
48 x 30 x 5 cm / 1992

Still Life II / diamond engraved float glass, SiO2, graphite, photo emulsion, silve
48 x 30 x 5 cm / 1992

Still Life A / SiO2, photo emulsion, wood , graphite, glass /
48 x 30 x 5 cm /1992
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