He, She, It / silicon dioxide, photo emulsion / 60 × 30 × 6 cm / 2003
Binary System / wood, float glass, carbon / 115 × 85 × 6 cm / 2008
Approaching Zero / cardboard, porcelain, photo emulsion, wood /
105 × 60 × 6 cm / 2002
Place Value / silicon dioxide, graphite, oil paint / à:
130 × 65 × 6,5 cm / 2000–2001
Place Value / silicon dioxide, graphite, oil paint /
à: 130 × 65 × 6,5 cm / 2000–2001
7/11 a different kind of light image / 7 pieces ellipses, silicon dioxide, photo emulsion, 11 porcelain pieces, photo emulsion / 400 x 138 x 6 cm / 2004
7/11 a different kind of light image (detail), silicon dioxide, photo emulsion /
60 x 31 x 6 cm
7/11 a different kind of light image (detail), porcelain, photo emulsion /
21,5 x 15,5 cm
7/11 a different kind of light image /7 pieces ellipses, silicon dioxide, photo emulsion, 11 porcelain pieces, photo emulsion / 400 x 138 x 6 cm / 2004
porcelain, china clay / 21,5 x 15,5 x 0,1 cm, 1998
Light catching / porcelain, photo emulsion, wood / 363 x 64 x 6 cm / 2002
4 × / silicon dioxide, graphite / 160 × 53 × 5,5 cm / 2001
5 × / silicon dioxide, graphite / 230 × 70 × 6 cm / 2001
7 × / silicon dioxide, graphite / 267 × 150 × 6 cm / 2001
7 × Equation of a Different Kind, A / SiO2, graphite / 270 × 150 × 6 cm / 2005
7 × Equation of a Different Kind, B / SiO2, graphite / 270 × 120 × 6 cm / 2005
Graphite Traces 0 / 31 × 23 cm / 2011
The Skull and Its Halo / wood / 40 x 26 x 6 cm / 2009
Sum Zero / colored glass, graphite, paper / 80 × 60 × 4,5 cm / 2010
0-1-2 / silicon dioxide, graphite / 60 x 30 x 6 cm / 2014
Focal points f / silicon dioxide, graphite /130 x 65 x 6 cm / 2014
float glass, mirror, magnet, iron wire / 46 x 20 x 13 cm / 2017
floatglass, iron wire, magnet, ivory black / 37,5 x 11,5 x 3 cm / 2017
Magdala’s Power Station, 2020
The cosmic circulation of the materia
It consists: an acacia tree, tree roots, coal, wood, graphit, transparent glass, black glass and fence wire with hexagonal network system.
Suffering Geometry / Wood, UV direct printing on Alu-Dibond /139 x 150 x 7cm /2023